Modern Slavery Policy

It is critical for us to be vigilant about the risk of modern slavery and to ensure that it is not taking place within our organization or in our supply chains. This commitment extends to our suppliers, customers, and any third-party organizations we engage with. It is essential for all our employees to be familiar with the concept of modern slavery, recognize the warning signs, and know how to report any suspicions of modern slavery.

Modern slavery encompasses forced and compulsory labor, including human trafficking, mainly affecting overseas workers or vulnerable individuals from the UK. Typically, victims are coerced to work excessively long hours, receive significantly below the legal wage, and have their personal documents confiscated. They endure mental and physical abuse and are subjected to control and ownership by their employers. They are dehumanized, treated as commodities, and have limited freedom of movement.

Recognizing warning signs is crucial. These signs may include physical indicators of abuse or malnourishment, social isolation, poor living conditions, few personal possessions, and excessive working hours. Those working under modern slavery conditions may also exhibit signs of fear or avoid eye contact.

If you suspect someone is a victim of modern slavery, please report it to Dave Meigh. Every report will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated. You will not face any negative consequences for reporting a situation, and you can choose to remain anonymous. We are committed to providing full support to anyone reporting a genuine belief of modern slavery.