Our company is dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards and integrity in all of our business activities. We firmly believe that bribery and corruption have a detrimental impact on any business. Therefore, we are committed to conducting our business transparently and ethically. This transparent and fair conduct is crucial for building trusting relationships with our clients and customers.
Every individual representing our company is responsible for upholding our reputation and conducting business honestly, ethically, and professionally. As such, our company does not tolerate any form of bribery, direct or indirect, by our employees, agents, consultants, or any other parties acting on our behalf.
Bribery is defined as offering, giving, or requesting a financial or other advantage with the intention of inducing or rewarding improper performance of a function or activity. It also includes the knowledge or belief that accepting such a reward would constitute improper performance of such a function or activity.
Any individual representing our company is strictly prohibited from making, soliciting, or receiving any bribes or unauthorised payments. Suspected breaches of our anti-bribery rules or policy will be thoroughly investigated and may result in disciplinary action, including immediate dismissal.
It’s important to note that bribery is a criminal offense that may carry severe penalties for both individuals and the company, including imprisonment and heavy fines, as well as potential damage to our reputation.
Our company will not engage in business with service providers, agents, or representatives that do not uphold our anti-bribery objectives. We reserve the right to terminate any contractual arrangements with third parties acting on our behalf where there is evidence of acts of bribery.
The success of our anti-bribery measures relies on all individuals associated with our company helping to detect and eradicate bribery. We encourage all employees and others acting for or on behalf of the company to report any suspected bribery in accordance with our procedures. We will support individuals who make such reports provided they are made in good faith.
If you have any questions or uncertainties about this policy, please reach out to a member of our team.